what is

your story?

We believe in the power of storytelling and the authentic voices of young individuals. Our platform serves as a canvas where young minds become storytellers. 

current initiatives


children's book on wellness

Join us on an exciting journey to craft a children's book that weaves the magic of self-compassion into every page!


wellness retreat

Discover diverse ways to show yourself some kindness and appreciation.
Date: TBD (RSVP required)

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stories on holidays around the world

More information to come...

past initiatives

That Time We Went Through a Pandemic is a captivating storybook showcasing the authentic stories of eight individuals from the University of Alberta community. These stories are a compelling resource that highlight unique personal journeys during the COVID-19 pandemic. This storybook was created with hopes of reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, encouraging dialogue, and sharing invaluable strategies for building resilience during times of adversity. 

who we are

Youth Nachimban is a volunteer-based organization forged with a meaningful purpose and an inspiring vision. The name “Nachimban,” derived from the Korean word for “compass,” holds a profound significance. Just as a compass helps adventurers navigate uncharted lands, Youth Nachimban aims to be a guiding light for the young minds of today.

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core values


celebrating voices

we celebrate the diversity of voices and lived experiences and embrace the richness of different perspectives.


nurturing creativity

we create a space where creativity knows no limits.


fostering connections

through collaboration and co-designing, we foster a sense of belonging and weave a web of support.

are you a storyteller?

get involved

Whether you are a budding storyteller, a supporter of the storytelling arts, or simply someone who believes in the power of storytelling, there’s a place for you in Youth Nachimban. Explore our website, and participate in our ongoing initiatives.

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contact us